The classic Charcoal suit. If it’s not your first, it should be your second.
Alexander is wearing the Charcoal with a custom lining which is an additional cost. Add this to yours in the Fitting and Customisations section.
There’s a saying. “A man only needs at least three good suits. One in charcoal, one in black and one in navy”. There is some very sound logic to this saying and as such, if you’re just starting your menswear journey, charcoal represents a fantastic formal choice that should be very high up on your to do list.
Charcoal is a great mid colour that comes off a little more serious than its navy counterpart. This austerity lends its itself slightly more towards formal events and is considered the modern uniform for the business professional as it helps to instill an air of competence and trust. A great choice for lawyers and other professions that require a more serious tone.
Styling Guide
One of the easiest suits to pair and will most likely work with most things that you throw at it. The classic look consists of a crisp, white shirt however, as there is no colour bias, feel free to play around and find what works for you.
As the suit is so passive in tone, your choice of tie should match your shirt. Work with complimenting, or contrasting colour tones and if you’re playing with patterns, try to differ the size of the patterns between your shirt and tie to ensure you don’t look washed out. We personally love a pop of navy in the tie to really set off your ensemble.
The recommendation is a traditional black show to maintain the austerity of the colour however, in certain circumstances you can use a very dark brown to soften the tone of the outfit. Be wary with lighter browns which may look out of place on this outfit.
This suit will work in almost any occasion that a suit would be required. Be warned however that as a standard suit colour, you may find yourself getting a bit lost in the crowd (that may not be a bad thing in some instances). If you’re wanting to come off a little “softer”, consider our Navy option which matches the charcoal in versatility, but may not be a better choice if you don’t want to come off as serious.