Linen Vibes with Woolen Feels. The Best of both Worlds
In a neutral tan finish and a subtle but noticeable cross-hatched finish, Hatched provides a linen-esque finish without the wrinkling that is attributed to that fabric which makes it an incredibly versatile choice for laid-back offices, low-key weddings and everyday situations where a linen effect is desired but the creasing that comes with the fabric is not.
Styling Guide
Simple whites will work great and provide you with the ability to let your tie shine through. (Alexander wears this with the ever-popular FOREST skinny necktie). Beyond that, the Hatched works great in a business application with powder blues and patterned shirts. Blues and pinks will typically work better than reds and purples.
Follow the guidelines above as far as colours with the tie. Because of the neutral finish that focuses more on texture than colour, many ties will work quite well with this garment.
Brown shoes is the way to go with the Hatched. The colour will typically work well with anything from a lighter tan all the way through to a darker oxblood or burgundy. Try to keep your shoes at least a shade darker than the fabric itself to help ensure that the suit doesn’t look anaemic.
An incredibly versatile choice that works in all casual and business regions. This suit lends itself to the warmer months because of the hue but will work great in most applications. We got a lot of people asking for something with a linen finish but without the wrinkling that usually occurs with that fabric for something a little more formal such as weddings and this is a great solution for this scenario.